Tom Cruise is currently blazing his way across the screen in Mission Impossible: Fallout, we’ve had Avengers: Infinity War recently, and Dwayne Johnson in Skyscraper too, it’s been a busy year for big films. By ‘big’ films I mean big names, big stunts, often big CGI, frequently very noisy, big plot holes, big marketing budgets, and all too often, big disappointments. I’ll be watching Mr Cruise’s latest with bated breath, but I find nowadays that the best films tend to be ‘small’ films, films I’d never heard of, often with believable and relatable characters in everyday situations, films like I’ll See You In My Dreams, which ends the film society’s eight season this month. Released in the US in 2015 to quiet acclaim, it follows Carol, an introspective widowed songwriter in her 60s, after the death of her beloved dog she decides to widen her social circle and finds herself with new friends and a new zest for life. Sounds a little like this year’s Finding Your Feet, except this one sees our heroine and her third-age friends getting the munchies after trying pot for the first time and looking decidedly shifty at the all night supermarket! I’m sure it won’t feature enormous robots, exotic locations or household names, but I’m confident it will leave a warm glow that comes from seeing characters we identify with, succeed in the way they wish. Mission all too possible, you could say. So make a date in your diary and join us for I’ll See You In My Dreams, there’s free tea and cake for everyone on the night too, now that’s a big attraction!
By Michael Hudson
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